The benefits of using the internet and modern technology

Since the arrival of Covid-19 and having to live through lockdown in the last 12 months, the reliance on the internet and technology has massively increased and become the norm. Staying in touch with friends and family using communication platforms like Zoom and Facetime has seen huge adoption, fast-tracking their way into our everyday lives.

Maintaining positivity for residents and homecare clients

We’re delighted to kick off a new initiative to show the smiling faces of our staff behind their masks to help our residents and clients recognise their support and maintain positivity. Aptly named Birchwood Smiles, every team member will be wearing a lanyard around their neck, with a large picture of their smiling face on it. This will help them to engage with residents and clients, even when wearing full PPE.

Take care of your mental health during lockdown

The lockdown that has been imposed by the Covid-19 outbreak has made us think about how important it is to take care of your mental health whilst either in isolation, or just unable to socialise and interact with others in person for a long period of time. Here are some useful tips for the elderly for taking care of your mental health during these periods which can be relevant and applied now, or during future periods of isolation.

Is A Care Home Or Assisted Living More Appropriate?

There are a number of signs to look out for in an elderly friend or relative that may signal to it being an appropriate time for additional care. There are many different options depending on each individual’s circumstance – including homecare (which our friends at Birchwood Care Services provide), live-in-care, assisted living or coming into a care home like ours here at Birchwood House. This article goes into detail on key triggers about when a care home may be appropriate, or when assisted living may be a better option.

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